School Meal Charge Procedures

Background Information

  • The ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥ recognizes that healthy, nutritious meals are an important component to student readiness and ability to learn.
  • In addition, Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 210.10(a)(1) General Nutrition Requirements states “Schools must provide nutritious and well-balanced meals to all the children they serve.†In accordance with this regulation, the ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥ will not deny any student access to school lunch.
  • By statue, the district’s Food Service Department is a self-supporting fund that shall not have a negative balance at the close of a fiscal year.
  • Unpaid charges place a financial strain on the district’s operating budget.
  • To be fair and equitable and in order to ensure compliance of all who participate in the school meal program, the procedures establish methods of payment and charge availability.
  • The ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥ procedures establish the following:
    • Establish consistent district procedures regarding the method of payment for meals and charge availability for charges in the district’s meal program.
    • To treat all students with dignity at all times
    • To provide free meals for all students who qualify for free meals.
    • To provide reduced priced meals for all students who qualify for reduced meals.

Meal Charge Procedures

  • All students will be allowed to eat a reimbursable breakfast and/or lunch regardless of their account balance.
  • Elementary school students will be allowed to accrue a negative balance of $5. Once this is reached, ala carte milk will not be allowed to be purchased and milk cards will be pulled. Negative balance notices will be sent home weekly.
  • Middle and high school students are not allowed to accrue a negative balance. Students must have money in their meal account or provide a deposit at time of purchase in order to purchase ala carte items.

Payment Options

  1. Online Payment at . Choose from:
    1. One time funding
    2. Smart-Pay: Automatically adds money to an account when they reach a certain dollar amount as determined by the parent. Notified by email when balance is getting low and a payment is going to be made. *Remember to check your credit card expiration date*
  2. Send money to school.
  3. Send money to:
    Educational Support Center
    Food Service Central Office
    3600 52nd St
    Kenosha, WI 53144


For clarification on the School Meal Charge Procedures, please call the Food Service Department at 262-359-6382